Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Michigan Dental Association sues to stop illegal practice By DrBicuspid Staff October 3, 2008 -- A Michigan man has been stopped from illegally practicing dentistry, following a lawsuit filed by the Michigan Dental Association (MDA). Oakland County Circuit Judge Daniel O'Brien issued a preliminary injunction October 1 against Everett VanDenEeden, doing business as Smile-Rite Denture Center. Under the court order, VanDenEeden is restrained from engaging in the unauthorized practice of dentistry. The MDA charged that VanDenEeden had been illegally practicing dentistry by diagnosing and fitting patients for dentures, which is illegal under Michigan law. Only licensed dentists may diagnose and treat patients. Under Michigan law, dental laboratories may only fabricate dentures when prescribed by a licensed dentist. Judge O'Brien ordered VanDenEeden to refrain from providing any consultation, treatment, or diagnosis of any dental disease or other conditions. VanDenEeden must also stop all advertising to the general public and cancel all telephone numbers associated with advertising his services. Further, he must inform the court of any patient cases in progress so that the patient can be directed to a licensed dentist for treatment. The case was initiated when the MDA received complaints about VanDenEeden last year when he operated a similar business in southwest Michigan. "The proper diagnosis, fabrication, and placement of the denture is a total process that is a vital part of total health care. Oral healthcare requires monitoring through the lifetime of the patient, because the mouth continues to change as the patient ages. We are concerned that a patient can unknowingly be placed in danger when an untrained individual provides denture treatment," said Joanne Dawley, D.D.S., president of the MDA, in a press release. Judge O'Brien has ordered a nonjury trial for February 2, 2009.

Michigan Dental Association sues to stop illegal practice
By DrBicuspid Staff
October 3, 2008 -- A Michigan man has been stopped from illegally practicing dentistry, following a lawsuit filed by the Michigan Dental Association (MDA).
Oakland County Circuit Judge Daniel O'Brien issued a preliminary injunction October 1 against Everett VanDenEeden, doing business as Smile-Rite Denture Center. Under the court order, VanDenEeden is restrained from engaging in the unauthorized practice of dentistry.
The MDA charged that VanDenEeden had been illegally practicing dentistry by diagnosing and fitting patients for dentures, which is illegal under Michigan law. Only licensed dentists may diagnose and treat patients. Under Michigan law, dental laboratories may only fabricate dentures when prescribed by a licensed dentist.
Judge O'Brien ordered VanDenEeden to refrain from providing any consultation, treatment, or diagnosis of any dental disease or other conditions. VanDenEeden must also stop all advertising to the general public and cancel all telephone numbers associated with advertising his services. Further, he must inform the court of any patient cases in progress so that the patient can be directed to a licensed dentist for treatment.
The case was initiated when the MDA received complaints about VanDenEeden last year when he operated a similar business in southwest Michigan.
"The proper diagnosis, fabrication, and placement of the denture is a total process that is a vital part of total health care. Oral healthcare requires monitoring through the lifetime of the patient, because the mouth continues to change as the patient ages. We are concerned that a patient can unknowingly be placed in danger when an untrained individual provides denture treatment," said Joanne Dawley, D.D.S., president of the MDA, in a press release.
Judge O'Brien has ordered a nonjury trial for February 2, 2009.

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